
ENJOY Have FUN do Masti at Digha India

Avgviv Avb‡›`i m‡½ Rvbvw”Q, Avm‡Q beel© I _vwU© dvó bvBU Dcj‡ÿ wiqvj Uvm UzwiRg wj: mK‡ji mv‡a¨i g‡a¨ GKwU c¨v‡KR †NvlYv  K‡i‡Q, Av‡M Avm‡j Av‡M cv‡eb wfwˇZ c¨v‡KRwU cwiPvwjZ n‡e|



29wW‡m¤^i 2015  ivZ n‡Z 4 Rvbyqvwi ivZ ch©šÍ

`xNvq hv †`Lv‡bv n‡e- AvgivewZ cvK©, mv‡ci Lvgvi, KvRy ev`vg dvg©, Marine Aquarium and Research Center , Zvjmvwi ‰mKZ Dwim¨v, P›`‡bk¦i gw›`i(Dwim¨v), jvj KvKov Pi|‡gvnbvq ¯^cœ wejvm

Digha beach @ winter mid day

লাল কাকড়ার চর দীঘা পশ্চিম উরিস্যা

We will see the following in Kolkata city:

KjKvZv hv †`Lv‡bv n‡e:
wf‡KvUwiqv †ggwiqvj, nvIov weªR, ûMwj †mZz, `wÿ‡bk¦i gw›`i,  gvMv` তেরেসা †nvgm&, Bm‡c¬b Uªvg ey_ , cvK© wóªó UvUv Mv‡W©b,   South city Mall, eo mgwR`, gq`vb,  love lake ...

Old Digha beach
Digha beach
Food at Digha beach       
Kolkata victoria memrial
ভিক্টোরিয় মেমরিয়াল  
An attempt of the British to create a replica of Taj Mahal in the honor of the Queen, the Victoria Memorial  in Kolkata is an imposing monument of glittering white marble in an oasis of green. Recognized as the symbol of Kolkata, this monument houses a museum displaying British memorabilia and knick knacks from the time of the Raj.   

Enjoy a momentous sunrise at the sprawling gardens here or witness a romantic sunset with a loved one or simply come here with your family to enjoy a Light and Sound Show in the evenings! Don’t forget to take your camera along for awesome pictures by the Lord Carson statue, King Edward Statue and Queen Victoria Statue.

A tourist’s favorite in Kolkata, every night the setting sun witnesses the dancing musical fountain in front of the Victoria Memorial in the Citizen Park. Be awed by the swaying jets of water lit in colorful hues and fascinated by the aesthetic quotient of these fountains. One of the unique features in Kolkata, this musical fountain is equally mesmerizing for both adults and kids.

An atte
An attempt of the British to create a replica of Taj Mahal in the honour of the Queen, the Victoria Memorial  in Kolkata is an imposing monument of glittering white marble in an oasis of green. Recognized as the symbol of Kolkata, this monument houses a museum displaying British memorabilia and knick knacks from the time of the Raj.   

Enjoy a momentous sunrise at the sprawling gardens here or witness a romantic sunset with a loved one or simply come here with your family to enjoy a Light and Sound Show in the evenings! Don’t forget to take your camera along for awesome pictures by the Lord Curzon statue, King Edward Statue and Queen Victoria Statue.

A tourist’s favourite in Kolkata, every night the setting sun witnesses the dancing musical fountain in front of the Victoria Memorial in the Citizen Park. Be awed by the swaying jets of water lit in colourful hues and fascinated by the aesthetic quotient of these fountains. One of the unique features in Kolkata, this musical fountain is equally mesmerising for both adults and kids.

-- Read more: https://www.ixigo.com/victoria-memorial-kolkata-india-ne-1019165
mpt of the British to create a replica of Taj Mahal in the honour of the Queen, the Victoria Memorial  in Kolkata is an imposing monument of glittering white marble in an oasis of green. Recognized as the symbol of Kolkata, this monument houses a museum displaying British memorabilia and knick knacks from the time of the Raj.   

Enjoy a momentous sunrise at the sprawling gardens here or witness a romantic sunset with a loved one or simply come here with your family to enjoy a Light and Sound Show in the evenings! Don’t forget to take your camera along for awesome pictures by the Lord Curzon statue, King Edward Statue and Queen Victoria Statue.

A tourist’s favourite in Kolkata, every night the setting sun witnesses the dancing musical fountain in front of the Victoria Memorial in the Citizen Park. Be awed by the swaying jets of water lit in colourful hues and fascinated by the aesthetic quotient of these fountains. One of the unique features in Kolkata, this musical fountain is equally mesmerising for both adults and kids.

-- Read more: https://www.ixigo.com/victoria-memorial-kolkata-india-ne-1019165
 we shall sleep @!

love lake Kolkata
Love Lake

visit Digha Beach
Beach activities Digha

***ডিসেম্বর ২৯,
রাত্র ১০:৩০মি:  যাত্রা শুরু, স্থান পান্থপথ, চা বিরতি রাত ৩টা
***ডিসেম্বর ৩০,
সকাল: নাস্তা বেনাপোল পরে বাংলাদেশ কাষ্টম বর্ডার কার্যক্রম সম্পন্ন করে ভারতের গিয়ে কাষ্টম বর্ডার কাজ রিয়াল টাসের সাহায্যে করবে।১১:০০ টায় বিরতি শ্যামলী হোটেল ।১টায় কলকাতা পৌছান লান্স হোটেল বিশ্রাম, বিকাল টায় নিউমার্কেট ভ্রমন। ৮টায় রাতের খাবার পার্ক ষ্ট্রিট।বিশ্রাম।
***ডিসেম্বর ৩০,
সকাল: ৭টায় ভিক্টোরিয়া মেমোরিয়াল দর্শণ্ । ময়দানে খোলা মাঠে নাস্তা। হোটেলে ফেরত। ১১ টায় হাওরা থেকে দীঘা ট্রেনে  যাত্রা।
টায়  হোটেলে প্রবেশ। :৩০ মিনিট আহার। বিকাল বীচে টাইম পাস।
রাত :১৫ মাস্তি মাস্তি (খাও দাও মজা কর/ থার্টি ফাষ্ট)
/ টায় পরে বিশ্রাম
*** জানুয়ারি
 সকাল ১০টায় পর থেকে সাইট সিইং (places to visit Science Centre, Digha + Chandaneshwar temple in Orisha 24Km from Digha  + Amravati Lake + Lord Shiva temple 5 Km + Talasari, another beach located 7km away. All arrangement will done by Real Touch) বিকালে শামুক মার্কেটে কেনাকাটা নিজ খরচে / রাত্রে কারড়া বা সিফিস পার্টি > ডিনার+ New Year party. Rest
*** জানুয়ারি
ভোর পাঁচটায় ডেলটা যাত্রা. :৩০ মিনিটে ডেলটা বিচরন সানরাইজ দেখা পরে জেলে বাজার মাছ দেখা কেনা > নাস্তা করা।দুপুরে হোটেলে খেয়ে আবার ট্রেনে কলকাতা যাত্রা খলকাতা ফিরে মেট্রো হলে সিনেমা দেখা
*** জানুয়ারি
নাস্তা > Mother Teresa home> দক্ষিনেশ্বর মন্দির> বেলুল মাঠ> ডানলপ > গঙ্গা শ্নান > BBD >  বড় মসজিদ দেখা বিকালে সপিংয়ের জন্য মুক্ত। রাতে লটারি. উপহার বিনীময়।
 *** জানুয়ারি 4
 :১৫মি: দেশের উদ্দেশ্যে যাত্রা শুরু. ১টায় ভারতের কাষ্টম বর্ডার কার্যক্রম পরে বাংলাদেশ কাষ্টম বর্ডার কার্যক্রম রিয়াল টাসের সাহায্যে করবে ।বেনাপোর হতে ঢাকার উদ্দেশে যাত্রা।রাত নটায় ঢাকা।


Youth Enjoy fun ta Beach
 Rabindra Sarovar Lake or the Dhakuria Lake, as it was known earlier, are the lungs of Kolkata. This is one place in South Kolkata where you can escape the commotion and be with yourself. I remember going there when I was a kid with my grandpa. My brother, my cousins and I used to have a gala time running through the entire stretch, while grandpa continued walking at his usual..
Rabindra sarobar

love lake
Kolkata Kali Temple Dakshineswar

The Rani lived only for five years and nine months after the inauguration of the temple. She seriously fell ill in 1861. Realizing that death was approaching she decided to handover the property she purchased in Dinajput (now in Bangladesh) as a legacy for the maintenance of the temple to the temple trust. She accomplished her task on 18th February, 1861 and passed away on the subsequent day.

Ganga Bath
An attempt of the British to create a replica of Taj Mahal in the honour of the Queen, the Victoria Memorial  in Kolkata is an imposing monument of glittering white marble in an oasis of green. Recognized as the symbol of Kolkata, this monument houses a museum displaying British memorabilia and knick knacks from the time of the Raj.   

Enjoy a momentous sunrise at the sprawling gardens here or witness a romantic sunset with a loved one or simply come here with your family to enjoy a Light and Sound Show in the evenings! Don’t forget to take your camera along for awesome pictures by the Lord Curzon statue, King Edward Statue and Queen Victoria Statue.

A tourist’s favourite in Kolkata, every night the setting sun witnesses the dancing musical fountain in front of the Victoria Memorial in the Citizen Park. Be awed by the swaying jets of water lit in colourful hues and fascinated by the aesthetic quotient of these fountains. One of the unique features in Kolkata, this musical fountain is equally mesmerising for both adults and kids.

-- Read more: https://www.ixigo.com/victoria-memorial-kolkata-india-ne-1019165
An attempt of the British to create a replica of Taj Mahal in the honour of the Queen, the Victoria Memorial  in Kolkata is an imposing monument of glittering white marble in an oasis of green. Recognized as the symbol of Kolkata, this monument houses a museum displaying British memorabilia and knick knacks from the time of the Raj.   

Enjoy a momentous sunrise at the sprawling gardens here or witness a romantic sunset with a loved one or simply come here with your family to enjoy a Light and Sound Show in the evenings! Don’t forget to take your camera along for awesome pictures by the Lord Curzon statue, King Edward Statue and Queen Victoria Statue.

A tourist’s favourite in Kolkata, every night the setting sun witnesses the dancing musical fountain in front of the Victoria Memorial in the Citizen Park. Be awed by the swaying jets of water lit in colourful hues and fascinated by the aesthetic quotient of these fountains. One of the unique features in Kolkata, this musical fountain is equally mesmerising for both adults and kids.

-- Read more: https://www.ixigo.com/victoria-memorial-kolkata-india-ne-1019165
An attempt of the British to create a replica of Taj Mahal in the honour of the Queen, the Victoria Memorial  in Kolkata is an imposing monument of glittering white marble in an oasis of green. Recognized as the symbol of Kolkata, this monument houses a museum displaying British memorabilia and knick knacks from the time of the Raj.   

Enjoy a momentous sunrise at the sprawling gardens here or witness a romantic sunset with a loved one or simply come here with your family to enjoy a Light and Sound Show in the evenings! Don’t forget to take your camera along for awesome pictures by the Lord Curzon statue, King Edward Statue and Queen Victoria Statue.

A tourist’s favourite in Kolkata, every night the setting sun witnesses the dancing musical fountain in front of the Victoria Memorial in the Citizen Park. Be awed by the swaying jets of water lit in colourful hues and fascinated by the aesthetic quotient of these fountains. One of the unique features in Kolkata, this musical fountain is equally mesmerising for both adults and kids.

-- Read more: https://www.ixigo.com/victoria-memorial-kolkata-india-ne-1019165
An attempt of the British to create a replica of Taj Mahal in the honour of the Queen, the Victoria Memorial  in Kolkata is an imposing monument of glittering white marble in an oasis of green. Recognized as the symbol of Kolkata, this monument houses a museum displaying British memorabilia and knick knacks from the time of the Raj.   

Enjoy a momentous sunrise at the sprawling gardens here or witness a romantic sunset with a loved one or simply come here with your family to enjoy a Light and Sound Show in the evenings! Don’t forget to take your camera along for awesome pictures by the Lord Curzon statue, King Edward Statue and Queen Victoria Statue.

A tourist’s favourite in Kolkata, every night the setting sun witnesses the dancing musical fountain in front of the Victoria Memorial in the Citizen Park. Be awed by the swaying jets of water lit in colourful hues and fascinated by the aesthetic quotient of these fountains. One of the unique features in Kolkata, this musical fountain is equally mesmerising for both adults and kids.

-- Read more: https://www.ixigo.com/victoria-memorial-kolkata-india-ne-1019165
An attempt of the British to create a replica of Taj Mahal in the honour of the Queen, the Victoria Memorial  in Kolkata is an imposing monument of glittering white marble in an oasis of green. Recognized as the symbol of Kolkata, this monument houses a museum displaying British memorabilia and knick knacks from the time of the Raj.   

Enjoy a momentous sunrise at the sprawling gardens here or witness a romantic sunset with a loved one or simply come here with your family to enjoy a Light and Sound Show in the evenings! Don’t forget to take your camera along for awesome pictures by the Lord Curzon statue, King Edward Statue and Queen Victoria Statue.

A tourist’s favourite in Kolkata, every night the setting sun witnesses the dancing musical fountain in front of the Victoria Memorial in the Citizen Park. Be awed by the swaying jets of water lit in colourful hues and fascinated by the aesthetic quotient of these fountains. One of the unique features in Kolkata, this musical fountain is equally mesmerising for both adults and kids.

-- Read more: https://www.ixigo.com/victoria-memorial-kolkata-india-ne-1019165
An attempt of the British to create a replica of Taj Mahal in the honour of the Queen, the Victoria Memorial  in Kolkata is an imposing monument of glittering white marble in an oasis of green. Recognized as the symbol of Kolkata, this monument houses a museum displaying British memorabilia and knick knacks from the time of the Raj.   

Enjoy a momentous sunrise at the sprawling gardens here or witness a romantic sunset with a loved one or simply come here with your family to enjoy a Light and Sound Show in the evenings! Don’t forget to take your camera along for awesome pictures by the Lord Curzon statue, King Edward Statue and Queen Victoria Statue.

A tourist’s favourite in Kolkata, every night the setting sun witnesses the dancing musical fountain in front of the Victoria Memorial in the Citizen Park. Be awed by the swaying jets of water lit in colourful hues and fascinated by the aesthetic quotient of these fountains. One of the unique features in Kolkata, this musical fountain is equally mesmerising for both adults and kids.

-- Read more: https://www.ixigo.com/victoria-memorial-kolkata-india-ne-1019165
An attempt of the British to create a replica of Taj Mahal in the honour of the Queen, the Victoria Memorial  in Kolkata is an imposing monument of glittering white marble in an oasis of green. Recognized as the symbol of Kolkata, this monument houses a museum displaying British memorabilia and knick knacks from the time of the Raj.   

Enjoy a momentous sunrise at the sprawling gardens here or witness a romantic sunset with a loved one or simply come here with your family to enjoy a Light and Sound Show in the evenings! Don’t forget to take your camera along for awesome pictures by the Lord Curzon statue, King Edward Statue and Queen Victoria Statue.

A tourist’s favourite in Kolkata, every night the setting sun witnesses the dancing musical fountain in front of the Victoria Memorial in the Citizen Park. Be awed by the swaying jets of water lit in colourful hues and fascinated by the aesthetic quotient of these fountains. One of the unique features in Kolkata, this musical fountain is equally mesmerising for both adults and kids.

-- Read more: https://www.ixigo.com/victoria-memorial-kolkata-india-ne-1019165
An attempt of the British to create a replica of Taj Mahal in the honour of the Queen, the Victoria Memorial  in Kolkata is an imposing monument of glittering white marble in an oasis of green. Recognized as the symbol of Kolkata, this monument houses a museum displaying British memorabilia and knick knacks from the time of the Raj.   

Enjoy a momentous sunrise at the sprawling gardens here or witness a romantic sunset with a loved one or simply come here with your family to enjoy a Light and Sound Show in the evenings! Don’t forget to take your camera along for awesome pictures by the Lord Curzon statue, King Edward Statue and Queen Victoria Statue.

A tourist’s favourite in Kolkata, every night the setting sun witnesses the dancing musical fountain in front of the Victoria Memorial in the Citizen Park. Be awed by the swaying jets of water lit in colourful hues and fascinated by the aesthetic quotient of these fountains. One of the unique features in Kolkata, this musical fountain is equally mesmerising for both adults and kids.

-- Read more: https://www.ixigo.com/victoria-memorial-kolkata-india-ne-1019165
An attempt of the British to create a replica of Taj Mahal in the honour of the Queen, the Victoria Memorial  in Kolkata is an imposing monument of glittering white marble in an oasis of green. Recognized as the symbol of Kolkata, this monument houses a museum displaying British memorabilia and knick knacks from the time of the Raj.   

Enjoy a momentous sunrise at the sprawling gardens here or witness a romantic sunset with a loved one or simply come here with your family to enjoy a Light and Sound Show in the evenings! Don’t forget to take your camera along for awesome pictures by the Lord Curzon statue, King Edward Statue and Queen Victoria Statue.

A tourist’s favourite in Kolkata, every night the setting sun witnesses the dancing musical fountain in front of the Victoria Memorial in the Citizen Park. Be awed by the swaying jets of water lit in colourful hues and fascinated by the aesthetic quotient of these fountains. One of the unique features in Kolkata, this musical fountain is equally mesmerising for both adults and kids.

-- Read more: https://www.ixigo.com/victoria-memorial-kolkata-india-ne-1019165
An attempt of the British to create a replica of Taj Mahal in the honour of the Queen, the Victoria Memorial  in Kolkata is an imposing monument of glittering white marble in an oasis of green. Recognized as the symbol of Kolkata, this monument houses a museum displaying British memorabilia and knick knacks from the time of the Raj.   

Enjoy a momentous sunrise at the sprawling gardens here or witness a romantic sunset with a loved one or simply come here with your family to enjoy a Light and Sound Show in the evenings! Don’t forget to take your camera along for awesome pictures by the Lord Curzon statue, King Edward Statue and Queen Victoria Statue.

A tourist’s favourite in Kolkata, every night the setting sun witnesses the dancing musical fountain in front of the Victoria Memorial in the Citizen Park. Be awed by the swaying jets of water lit in colourful hues and fascinated by the aesthetic quotient of these fountains. One of the unique features in Kolkata, this musical fountain is equally mesmerising for both adults and kids.

-- Read more: https://www.ixigo.com/victoria-memorial-kolkata-india-ne-1019165

Train  Kolkata to Digha ( Duranta Express)
Train From Digha To Kolkata -Tamralipta Express

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